Collagen Induction Therapy for beautiful, youthful-looking skin

Microneedling procedure
- A comfortable experience.
- A short procedure time, approximately 60 minutes.
- A plan for optimal results.
- Mild post-procedure effects, similar to mild to moderate sunburn.
- Effective on all body parts, including face, neck, and decolletage.
- safe for all skin types, light to dark.
- Ideal any time of the year.
- little downtime
- Beautiful, lasting results
How Microneedling works
Microneedling device causes controlled micro-injuries that stimulate the body’s natural wound healing process while minimizing cell damage. More specifically, SkinPen starts the three-phase wound-repair process:
- Phase 1: Inflammation. Piercing the skin triggers your immune system to disinfect the wounds, remove debris, increase blood flow, and create new tissue.
- Phase 2: Proliferation. The wound is rebuilt with new granulation cells. Plus a new network of blood vessels develops.
- Phase 3: Remodeling. New dermal tissues and blood vessels replace the wound.
How Microneedling with PRP Works
This therapy is a minimally invasive skin rejuvenation treatment with quick recovery time and is designed to stimulate the body’s natural collagen production. The treatment actually involves the use of two procedures, micro-needling and PRP (platelet-rich plasma) done consecutively.
PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)
The second procedure is called PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma). Platelet Rich Plasma is produced from an individual’s own blood. After a blood sample is obtained from a patient, the blood is put into a centrifuge, which is a tool that separates the PRP from the blood. The blood is spun for approximately 15 minutes.
PRP contains highly concentrated amounts of natural growth factors and other cytokines that promote the regeneration process of soft tissues. The PRP is applied directly to the channels that were created from the micro-needling to further stimulate the natural healing process and the creation of collagen.
Microneedling can visibly improve the appearance of
Anti Aging
Stretch Marks
Hair Loss
How do acne scars develop?
When acne breakouts penetrate the skin deeply, they damage the skin and the tissue beneath it. As the acne clears, the body tries to repair this damage by producing collagen, a protein that supports the skin. If the body produces too little or too much collagen, acne scarring results. The amount of collagen your body produces determines what type of scar you’ll get.
Depressed (atrophic)
If your body produces too little collagen, depressions or pits form as your skin heals. Depressed scars usually form on the face. Depressed acne scars include:
Raised (hypertrophic or keloid)
If your body produces too much collagen, you’ll develop a mass of raised scar tissue on the skin’s surface. Raised acne scars usually occur on the back and chest and are more common in darker skin.
Who gets acne scars?
You’re more likely to get acne scarring if you:
- Have inflammatory acne, such as acne cysts and nodules. Inflammatory acne tends to penetrate deep into the skin, producing skin damage.
- Delay or don’t treat inflammatory acne. The longer you have inflammatory acne, the greater your risk of scarring.
- Pick, squeeze or pop pimples. This practice increases inflammation and therefore increases the risk of scarring.
- Have a biological parent who developed acne scars. Genetics play a large role in acne scarring.
- Rolling – broad depressions that have rounded, sloping edges